Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Worst Book of the Year

That's right. "Jim and Casper go to Church." Worst. Go ahead, throw your stones, but I was seriously disappointed for five reasons, all of which you are free to disagree with.

1.) Jim Henderson is a pansy. Plain and simple.

2.) The "Here's what's wrong with your church" attitude reeks of pride (the mother of all sin). The church is an institution stewarded by regenerated sinner's who are attempting to teach God's word to the masses. By nature we are sinner's and by nature we fail. I don't need an atheist to reemphasize this. This is what grace is for.

3.) This book insinuates that if you look at your church through the eyes of non christians and cater to them, you will find faults that can be fixed, and thus your church will be more effective and will grow. Wrong! I hate almost every stinking book about church growth. Ultimately, Jesus is the head of the church, and it's up to Him to grow it. The Spirit will work on the hearts of the people through the mouths of leaders, and there aren't 10-easy steps to make this happen. It's ordained authority, and this book is a nice piece on reductionism. What I mean is that Jim Henderson doesn't say all the wrong things, he just doesn't say everything he needs to say. Altering the corporate ways in which we worship and commune with God and His people will not, in and of itself, strengthen your church. It's watered down Christianity, and it sucks.

4.) Let me elaborate in this way: The church is NOT for non-christians. They are welcome, we LOVE them, but they don't get to dictate what happens. I assure you, seeker insensitivity is as hot as ever!

Like I said, there are things we do as Christians that seem odd, or even foolish to outsiders, especially in a corporate setting, take for instance communion and offering. Taking bread and juice and thinking over, "This is My body, this is My blood," well all of that does sound a bit odd. And in a culture where money is an idol, I'm sure the principle of stewardship sounds insane. "I went to college to get this degree, to get this job, to make this amount of money, and therefore I worked for it, I own it, and I'll do with it as I please." Let me submit to you that God gave you the mind with which you think, the job opportunities that came your way (and all the paychecks along with it), and if you worship the Creator God and not currency, then you'll want to be obedient and give sacrificially to be effective for His kingdom. For some of us, that's way more than 10%. That makes no sense if your heart is not regenerated. All this to say that I didn't have to pay an atheist to travel around to America's megachurch's, let him log his complaints into book form, and sell it to the masses to figure that out.

5.) Jim Henderson is still a pansy.