Monday, May 21, 2007

end of a good thing

today was our last day of small group/bible study. we wrapped up sex god, rob bells new book, and i'd say, all in all, it's been the best discussion group i've been a part of. the combination of wonderful material and even more wonderful group members made the whole experience just...perfect. i think leah and i learned more from those women than they know they taught us. but the one thing that sticks out in my mind above the whole encounter was a comment that one of the married ladies made today. it was exactly what i, and im sure the others, needed to hear, and it was a great way to sum up the last of the book.

"you know, when i was young and in my first few years of marriage, the thought of my marriage not being the same in heaven as it is here on earth bothered me. but now that i've been married a while, im thinkin that there's gotta be more to life than this." :)

of course, she loves her husband dearly and vise-versa, it's just that in her own comedic way, she pointed out that he, even while giving his all, could never satisfy her every need all of the time, and she has the same fault. we all have the same fault. companions are not meant to wholly satisfy each other by filling up the voids. the best couples i've observed seem to be the ones who are already wholly satisfied in someone that can completely satisfy. somehow, when two people like this cross paths, it's a relationship that inspires, a relationship that ministers, and the relationship that God had/has in mind for all of us.

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