Monday, February 25, 2008


Across from me is a professor at MoSo, I'm not sure of what, discussing with a student, in a thick accent, COMPLETE with bad grammar (get ready for it...), the gun she's recently purchased and how she'd like to say a thing or two to those "(insert expletive) arabs driving up the oil prices and ruinin' [definitely leave off the "g"] our economy."  Because gas prices are apparently the only indicator of the instability of our economy, and it's no one's fault but those (expletive) arabs.  

And while we're on the conversation of professors at Southern, I'd like to say this about the emails I receive from my psych professor:  "Alot" is two words.  I fortunately had an English teacher teach me this.  Let's repeat the mantra:  "a lot, two words.  a lot, two words.  a lot, two words."

Let's add the absence of these things to the list of what I miss about a D-1 school.  

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