Wednesday, February 27, 2008

that's it, im movin to seattle.

So on the way back from Cincy Believe, someone started up Mark Driscoll's podcast from the community of Mars Hill, Seattle.  It was on humor in the bible, and it was amazing.  It was the first time I'd been exposed to this podcast, and I've been a regular listener since.  Three things:

This summer I was given Dick Staub's, "The Culturally Savvy Christian,"  which I initially hated, then liked, and now love.  Listen to Mark, pick up Staub's book, and then continue life with a better perspective of Jesus and culture.

"Go to the city and see what people are doing with their time, talent, and treasure.  Who or what are they worshipping other than Jesus?"  Then he identified some modern-day temples, i.e. a restaurant, sports arena, big screen, or another person.  I work with non-christians, and after some reflection, MOST of our conversations are those four things.

"Timeless truth, timely method."  Mark had several criticisms of emerging churches.  I'll save you the chatter, but his opinion is that such things like Jesus as the only way, hell being reality, the virgin birth, and all other debated ideas in the emergent church is primarily how the gospel is being distorted and/or compromised.  The scripture content was Acts 17, and Mark elaborates on the effectiveness of Paul being in the city (where culture is made), meeting with people, and quoting the poets or "rockstars" of their day as a better way to relay Jesus.  He affirmed the mission of Mars Hill was to present the timeless truth of Jesus in a timely, or culturally relevant manner, which in the opinion of a twenty-something, will absolutely appeal to every twenty-something.  and above.  and below.

He talked about "creative class cities," which is something I haven't heard of, but through the wonders of wikipedia, was able to learn about in 2 minutes.  These urban arena's are where most of America's ever-changing culture comes from, and listed were Chapel Hill, Seattle, Portland, Austin, and San Francisco.  What enables these cities (according to Dr. Richard Florida of Toronto),  is the "3 T's,"  or talent (a highly concentrated populus of talent in all of the arts), tolerance (for all of the diversities), and technology (a large population of feigns for the cutting edge).  Something I'll do more reading on.

And a side note, if you live in Joplin, let's put on some new eyes and stop treating this city like an overgrown-midwest-hick-town and start shaping it for the city we really desire, one that's exciting, productive, artistic, and utterly in love with Jesus.  That said, I have no practical ideas on how to make this happen.  :0)  And if you still don't want to love Joplin, or just plain love everything about the Mars Hill community, then Jon Hill said it best at the end of the humor sermon, "That's it, I'm movin to Seattle!"

1 comment:

Dick Staub said...

RE: This summer I was given Dick Staub's, "The Culturally Savvy Christian," which I initially hated, then liked, and now love. Listen to Mark, pick up Staub's book, and then continue life with a better perspective of Jesus and culture. GLAD you finally loved it! May your numbers multiply! Dick Staub