Sunday, December 21, 2008


If there is one biblical truth I contend with the most, it is this: "...being confident in this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."  I have, many nights, wrestled here.  This is one of those nights.  

Where Paul is confident, I am not.  But Paul... I mean come on.  If Paul were around today, he'd be scaling Mt. Everest with a big velvet "P" on his pecs and his cape flapping in the wind, all the while preaching and proclaiming the gospel.  

No friends, I wrestle here, and I'm stubborn.  I mean really, really stubborn.  But contending with me is no match for a sovereign God.  Times like this are as frustrating as they are beautiful.  Chapter 2 of Hosea is on my heart; it is my favorite chapter in all of Scripture.  Verse 14 breaks my hard heart every time, and I am overwhelmed.  I suppose tonight will end with a little rest in those words.  All things are His.

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